It is common for students to think of an essay as an ordinary composition on a given topic, although an essay is more of a reflection on a particular issue, a communication of one’s vision, an outline. Compositionally, an essay implies a freer statement of thought than an essay, which must have three or more parts. Whereas in an essay the student is “bound” to public opinion or other credible source, in an essay the topic can be treated as an expression of the student’s individual opinion on the question at hand. So you must come up with a good descriptive essay topic.
Structure of the essay
Let’s understand the structure of college essay writing:
- Introduction;
- Argumentation of the position;
- Expected objections;
- Conclusion.
- With an introductory paragraph, you give a suitable context to highlight your position.
- This is also where you should provide the reader with brief background information. It is in the introduction that you state those basic thoughts that help you understand your point of view.
- The introduction should end with your main thesis statement (the idea for which you are writing the essay) and the reasons for your position on the issue.

Argumentation of the position
All the facts provided in this part should reinforce your position. This is the core of your essay. As a rule, here you start with a general assertion, which you then reinforce with important details and vivid examples. Depending on the length of your arguments, this part will have one or two paragraphs that should clearly state the reasons for your position and the evidence for them.
Expected objections
Pointing out expected objections to your material indicates that you have thoroughly researched the topic and become familiar with different viewpoints. Having this type of information will only make your work stronger! This paragraph usually comes just before the conclusion.
The conclusion of the essay should come to a logical conclusion. Try to show the reader the problem discussed in a broader context. Also, in conclusion, you should once again spell out why the problem is important.
Main mistakes when writing an essay
- Grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Mistakes in the text will cross out the candidate’s entire work – because they indicate, at the very least, that the candidate has not even checked his own work.
- Logical errors. Arguments should prove the author’s thesis, not refute it. Especially they should not prove another thesis.
- Repetition of ideas. It is not worth repeating the same idea twice, though in different words. The exception is a restated thesis in the conclusion.
- Plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work without quoting or citing the author, which will disqualify the work and tarnish the candidate’s image.
- Flow of thoughts and philosophising about life. Yes, an essay is free-form reasoning, but it has a structure and is based on specifics: facts, examples, data, not abstract reflections.
- Jokes. A business essay tests many skills, but a sense of humour is definitely not one of them.
- Touching on politics and religion unnecessarily. It is inappropriate to discuss political and religious topics in an essay, unless the assignment itself requires it: for example, when a candidate is employed as a political analyst.
- Use of inappropriate language. The essay must be business-like: the use of jargon and foul language is prohibited.
- Inclusion of personal information in the essay. Information about age, gender, illness, marital status may affect the objectivity of the employer’s assessment of the candidate, so it is better not to touch it.
- Bad subject choice. You should first understand how to choose a college essay topic.

The main secret is to be honest and sincere. Does that sound too easy? It is not. We often ‘sugar-coat’ our stories without realising it. When it comes to competition – for a job, a scholarship to a university – it is natural that everyone wants to prove themselves the best. Many tailor their image to fit the “ideal”, and write a one-sided school essay.
The essay, to be unique, should reveal the personality of the person – it is your personality that is the main trump card when all other stages of the competition are passed and you need to stand out from the mass of other good candidates. You should not be afraid to talk about your mistakes, doubts, and failures, because they are formative experiences that some people try to hide, while others turn them into gold. If you make an essay a sincere story about yourself, the reader will truly empathize, reflect on what you have written, and perhaps something will change in themselves after reading the work. Therefore, a sincere and honest essay will never go unnoticed and will achieve the desired goal. If you think this assignment is too difficult, it makes sense to use the services of on the site.