The College of Saint Artemas is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, an international medieval recreation group. The College of Saint Artemas is part of the Barony of Calafia in the Kingdom of Caid and is mundanely based at the University of California, San Diego.

Local events upcoming:
August 2 | Leodamus of Thebes Tourney UCSD |
August 23 | Crown Tourney Lyondemere |
August 29- September 1 | Potrero War Calafia |
September 20-21 | Collegium Caidus Lyondemere |
September 27 | St. Isidore Anniversary Calafia |
October 4 | Leif Erickson Calafia |
October 8-13 | Great Western War (Pre-registration: Jun 1-Aug 31) Taft, CA |